As a human being, you are perfectly imperfect, gloriously flawed, your story forever stunningly unresolved. You will never reach a state of perfection in time, and that is why you are so loveable and human. Your flaws give you character, your quirks make you unique, your wrinkles and battle scars sing of a life fully lived, a world fully tasted, a song fully sung.
And beyond your story, your beliefs, your memories, your plans, your dreams of past and future, your personal history, you are nothing other than Life Itself, awake and alive here and now, prior to identification as a ‘me’. You are inseparable from the vast intelligence that moves the stars, inseparable from what I Am, and your human ‘flaws’ pale in comparison to your cosmic perfection, your deathless and timeless nature, your Original Face prior to even the Big Bang.
– Jeff Foster