• RIP 2020. Underground truths, alternative narratives.

    RIP 2020. Underground truths, alternative narratives.

    Truth’s supportive of health, abundance and happiness have been harder to come by in 2020 as both mainstream and social propagated narratives beneficial to a select few and questionable in their veracity and actively silence alternative narratives. In trying to make sense of 2020 it feels as though the greatest casualty has been truth. It…

  • The Miracle Mantra

    The Miracle Mantra

    The Miracle Mantra of Guru Ram Das is a channel of healing into oneness, relief and humility, and grace and protection and ultimately MANIFESTS MIRACLES. It calls on the spirit of the Indian mystic Guru Ram Das who was the fourth of the ten Gurus of Sikhism. An ashtang mantra (meaning it is chanted in…

  • Crisis and Transformation

    Crisis and Transformation

    Transformation usually doesn’t happen gradually. It comes quickly, and normally in response to crisis. We are witness to a world of converging crises. Climate change, refugee crises, deforestation, overfishing, mass extinctions, pollution of land, sea and sky, the list goes on. To many, these problems seem insurmountable. But what if you held the keys to…

  • The Biggest Disease Affecting Humanity by Marissa Peer

    The Biggest Disease Affecting Humanity by Marissa Peer

    Through touching stories of helping burnt-out Hollywood celebrities, regular clients, and even her own family, Marisa Peer teaches us how to feel “enough” and shatter our limitations. The Biggest Disease Affecting Humanity: “I’m Not Enough” by Marisa Peer

  • Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia

    Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia

    Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia is an American docuseries. The show follows Hamilton Morris as he explores the history, chemistry, and societal impact of psychoactive substances. It chronicles Morris’ travels and first-hand experiences, as well as interviews with scientists, shamans, and fringe culture figures. Journey through the history, chemistry and societal impacts of the world’s most extraordinary drugs.…

  • Three awesome videos

    Three awesome videos

    Dawkins, Sapolsky and Harari. DAWKINS SAPOLSKY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5rUwupQSQY HARARI TIP: You can watch these masterclasses at least 2 or 3 times

  • Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo (Heart Sutra)

    Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo (Heart Sutra)

    Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo Translated as: “The Bodhisattva of true compassion, Through deep practice in Great Wisdom, Understands that the body and the five skandas are only emptiness. And with this understanding, he helps all who suffer. Oh Sariputra, Phenomena is no different than ku, ku no different from phenomena. Phenomena becomes ku, ku becomes…

  • Tapping for Removing The Inner Critic

    Tapping for Removing The Inner Critic

    Subconscious Repatterning. It’s a thing and its available to you NOW. Check out this short video and let go of the inner critic in your own mind, making way for a compassionate, evolved voice that can guide and love you, not beat you up. https://youtu.be/0Y69EqIOX6U more here

  • Psych-K


    Rewrite the subconscious in minutes with Psych-K.  

  • Kahlil Gibran on Love

    Kahlil Gibran on Love

    Kahlil Gibran on Love (from The Prophet) When love beckons to you, follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you believe in him, Though his voice may shatter your…

  • David Foster Wallace

    David Foster Wallace

    If you don’t know about David Foster Wallace, author of best selling mega-tome Infinate Jest, take a moment to hear the man. Here he is talking to a group of graduates at their commencement ceremony where they were lucky enough to have an “on-his-game” Wallace put forward some thoughts on life beyond the scholastic experience.…

  • The free spirit of children is our true nature.

    The free spirit of children is our true nature.

  • The Island of the Gods

    The Island of the Gods

    A strikingly beautiful video to remind us of the beautiful and sacred world in which with live.

  • Eating the rainbow

    Eating the rainbow

    Phytochemicals: Eating from the Rainbow! There are many reasons to include plenty of whole foods in your diet, and high on the list of eye-catching colorful reasons are phytochemicals! The word ‘phytochemical’ literally means plant-chemical. From the deep blue hue of blueberries to the pungent aroma of garlic, phytochemicals help give plants their distinctive colors,…

  • Angel Oak South Carolina

    Angel Oak South Carolina

    Thank you to this beauty. That is all.

  • Purpose


  • Vision for the future

    Vision for the future

    Imagine a world of beauty and love, all things balanced, aligned and in harmony with themselves. Imagine being nourished by the possession of what it is like just to be ourselves. At once at peace and purpose in union with partner, work and self. Imagine man living in respect for nature, thriving from her bounty, content with the infinite…

  • Poems to live by

    Poems to live by

    I found this beautiful page of poems collected by an American, Steven Harper. Steven writes: Poems & Prose To Live By The following are some of the many poems I often use in the work I do with groups. I think of these as “teaching poems” in that I have learned a great deal from…

  • Lago d’Christo

    Lago d’Christo

    “The Floating Piers,” consists of temporary bridges spanning Italy’s Lake Iseo in artist Christo’s first installation in over 10 years. For 16 days, “The Floating Piers,” a saffron-colored walkway, will connect two small islands in a lake in Northern Italy to the mainland. By ELISABETTA POVOLEDO JUNE 16, 2016 PILZONE, Italy — It was a…

  • Sacred Economics

    Sacred Economics

    While I ponder my own relationship with money. I offer this re-gift with thanks to Charles Eisenstein. Click here to download the full text.

  • Recipe for Colorful Salad Rolls

    Recipe for Colorful Salad Rolls

    Recipe Ingredients Serves: 4 For the filling: 8 rice paper wraps 1 head purple cabbage 5 big carrots 1-2 avocados 1 candycane beet 1 watermelon radish For the sauce: ½ c. almond butter 6 tbsp lime juice 5 tbsp tamari 1 tbsp maple syrup 4 shakes sesame oil water (to thin, as needed) Directions 1.…

  • Viktor Schauberger – The Water Wizard

    Viktor Schauberger – The Water Wizard

    Viktor Schauberger 1885-1958, otherwise known as the Water Wizard. Austrian forest caretaker, and Tesla-like genius, was an  naturalist, philosopher, inventor and biomimicry experimenter. http://schauberger.co.uk/ https://www.scene.org/~esa/merlib/pdf/ost.pdf Invention Patents http://www.rexresearch.com/schaub/schaub.htm#142032  

  • Lasting Love. Science shows lasting relationships come down to kindness and generosity.

    Lasting Love. Science shows lasting relationships come down to kindness and generosity.

    Every day in June, the most popular wedding month of the year, about 13,000 American couples will say “I do,” committing to a lifelong relationship that will be full of friendship, joy, and love that will carry them forward to their final days on this earth. Except, of course, it doesn’t work out that way…

  • Toxic Behaviours and What To Do About Them

    Toxic Behaviours and What To Do About Them

    There are 4 toxic behaviors that are so lethal to a relationship that John Gottman (relationship expert and best-selling author) calls them the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They are criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling As you read the description of each of these behaviors below, notice which ones are present in your relationships. Included…

  • Sources Of Pain In The Body That Are Directly Linked To Specific Emotional States

    Sources Of Pain In The Body That Are Directly Linked To Specific Emotional States

    Pain is one of the most common feeling in our body. Pain has three manifestations and they are energy, perception and physical manifestation. Each kind of pain may be related to a specific emotional state in our mind. This shows us that although we are grownups yet we need to learn many more life lessons…

  • Cathedral – Raymond Carver

    Cathedral – Raymond Carver

    This blind man, an old friend of my wife’s, he was on his way to spend the night. His wife had died. So he was visiting the dead wife’s relatives in Connecticut. He called my wife from his in-law’s. Arrangements were made. He would come by train, a five-hour trip, and my wife would meet…

  • Zero Point Energy

    Zero Point Energy


  • Sydney


    For my darling – here is a little ripper guide to Sydeny, some Australian isms and other things of interest… There’ll be some bonzer tucker for your writings in here… It’s a bit like your critters guide, only this one is a bit more “librarian-ey” START FIRST BY PRESSING PLAY ON THE SOUNDTRACK HERE… Top…

  • Everything is Waiting for You

    Everything is Waiting for You

    by David Whyte from Everything is Waiting for You Your great mistake is to act the drama as if you were alone. As if life were a progressive and cunning crime with no witness to the tiny hidden transgressions. To feel abandoned is to deny the intimacy of your surroundings. Surely, even you, at times, have…

  • Silence is the Sister of the Divine

    Silence is the Sister of the Divine

    By John O’Donohue from Anam Cara Meister Eckhart said that there is nothing in the world that resembles God so much as silence. Silence is a great friend of the soul; it unveils the riches of solitude. It is very difficult to reach that quality of inner silence. You must make a space for it…

  • Marcel Vogel

    Marcel Vogel

    In the 1970’s Marcel did pioneering work in man-plant communication experiments. This led him to the study of quartz crystals and the creation of a faceted crystal. Marcel’s research into the therapeutic application of quartz crystals led him to the investigation of the relationship between crystals and water. He discovered that he could structure water…

  • Cancer, Sunglasses, Sunscreen.

    Cancer, Sunglasses, Sunscreen.

    Cancer is caused by damaging rays from the sun… Maybe. But perhaps its worth considering this a little further. The eye is one of natures most incredible structures. It makes sense that if the sun is bright and hot, and the eye can perceive that that if there were a natural form of protection that could…

  • Which sign were you really born under??

    Which sign were you really born under??

    A staggering 98% of people in the UK know the answer to this question. But did you know around 86% of us were actually born under a different constellation to our star sign? The dates of the ‘star signs’ were fixed, over 2,000 years ago, when the zodiac was first devised. Then, they corresponded to…

  • Brains


    Your brain is amazing. But modern living environments exacerbate the destruction of cells and reduce cell function including those higher functions in your brain. There are three factors that are constantly working against you in your body: Oxidation, Inflamation and Toxicity. You can help yourself out by causing your brain to create a protein called Brain…

  • Cansema – Natural Skin Cancer Cure

    Cansema – Natural Skin Cancer Cure

    CANSEMA BLACK SALVE Cansema Black Salve Recipe #1 One tablespoon each of powdered bloodroot and polk root 1 tablespoon zinc chloride DMSO (5 drops per 4 ounces of salve) One tablespoon Charcoal (optional) Vitamin A, 10,000 IU (more vitamin A can be added up to 200,000 IU. Pine tar (one teaspoon to one tablespoon) Pascalite…

  • Human Design

    Human Design

    Human Design is a synthesis of several ancient systems, integrating aspects of Astrology, the I Ching, chakras, and the Kabbalah. It represents a map of human consciousness that links these old wisdom traditions to contemporary thought. It connects in particular to our modern understanding of genetics as well as quantum physics. Human Design may be defined…

  • The Caddisfly and Osmia Avosetta

    The Caddisfly and Osmia Avosetta

    The caddisfly and Osmia avosetta bee are two of nature’s finest little architects. Caddisfly larvae create cocoon-like cases from whatever materials are available. In the examples below, artist Hubert Duprat provided the larvae with pieces of gold and assorted minerals from which they crafted mobile homes fit for a king. The Osmia avosetta bee, on the…

  • Vegetable Growing Cheat Sheet

    Vegetable Growing Cheat Sheet

    We are right in the middle of vegetable-planting season, the sun is shining, and we’ve wanted to grow our own veg for a while now, but the thought of knowing where to plant them, how far apart the different vegetables should be, and how long they need to grow can become daunting if you plan…

  • Ray Kurzweil Recipes For Immortality

    Ray Kurzweil Recipes For Immortality

    Ray Kurzweil’s search for immortality has lead him down a technocratic path, from the investigation of what supplements humans should be taking to prolong ones life, the goal of being able to upload our mind/consciousness to cyberspace by the the end of the 2030’s – a move that must be made far easier in his capacity as the co-founder…

  • Neem Karoli Baba Original Footage & Recordings

    Neem Karoli Baba Original Footage & Recordings

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwGQssmqi4Q And beautiful photographs

  • The Effects Of Negative Emotions On Our Health

    The Effects Of Negative Emotions On Our Health

    Humans experience an array of emotions, anything from happiness, to sadness to extreme joy and depression. Each one of these emotions creates a different feeling within the body. After all, our body releases different chemicals when we experience various things that make us happy and each chemical works to create a different environment within the…

  • Deprogramming


    “We are caged by our cultural programming. Culture is a mass hallucination, and when you step outside the mass hallucination you see it for what it’s worth.” -Terence Mekenna Society has undergone a mass brainwashing and it is time for us to deprogram ourselves in order to be completely immersed in the evolution of consciousness.…

  • The Third Eye

    The Third Eye

    Opening the Third Eye requires immeasurable effort, focus and research. Instruction on opening the third eye should be followed with great care; stimulation of the pineal gland is an advanced technique. The Third Eye, known as the sixth chakra, or “psychic chakra” is situated in the center of the forehead between the brows and one…

  • Visioning


    VISIONING. The Power of Human Thought. “Human thought is the most powerful energy of the Universe. There is no limit to its potential. It’s important to learn to use it properly. But how to do this, using what means – that is unknown. Only Man has the power to make this great discovery” — Anastasia…

  • Love


    Extracts from Ralph Waldo Emerson “Essays” LOVE Love is omnipresent in nature as motive and as reward. Love is our highest word, and the synonym of God… Passion… [sic] makes all things alive and significant. Nature grows conscious. Every bird on the boughs of the tree sings now to his heart and soul. Almost the…

  • Profound Healing

    Profound Healing

    The 3 steps to profound healing (of your broken heart, bones, spirit). Via Ben Ralstonon Sep 28, 2011 “He who saves one man saves mankind” I bleed. My heart bleeds out into the lonely night, and only the yearning for daylight; only the memory of a better day gives me hope… I’m a healer. I…

  • The Wisdom of Abraham

    The Wisdom of Abraham

    No! Not Abraham of the bible, but Abraham – the wisdom of the collective known to many as channelled by Ester Hicks. You may have heard of “The Law of Attraction”, “Ask and it is Given” and “Getting into the Vortex” – much of the content behind the popular book (and movie) “The Secret” comes directly from…

  • Probably the most amazing website ever…

    Probably the most amazing website ever…

    No need to talk about it – just follow the link… http://www.wefeelfine.org/

  • Learnings from Anastaia – Ringing Cedars

    Learnings from Anastaia – Ringing Cedars

    “Forgetfulness of our derivation is the cause of our modern devastation” – Book 2, p75   “The Purity of thoughts, feelings, and perceptions held by the majority is what determines the place of humanity in time and the Universe” – Book 1, p172    “How can I not believe in all women , Vladimir, since…

  • Alternative Cancer Treatments

    Alternative Cancer Treatments

    If you have to deal with cancer, here is the download for naturally managing it. FOOD (FIRST THING FIRST) Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food” Less is more – the less you eat, them more your body can focus on eating. When you fast, your body enters a state called Ketosis – a…

  • Green Juice Recipe

    Green Juice Recipe

    Here is the green juice recipe. To get this really right you need a cold press juicer. The blender is not suitable for making these types of juice… The benefit is lost as the beneficial enzymes are almost completely lost due to the instant oxidisation that occurs by the action of the blender. Thats why…

  • Bali: Life Is An Offering

    Bali: Life Is An Offering

    Having taken more than three years to complete, this is the most comprehensive cinematic record of modern Bali ever made. Directed by Kim Kindersley (Whaledreamers) and Co-Produced by Robert Weber (Bali Spirit) and Paulus Arianto (AVB Production), this is a swirling, luminous celebration of indigenous beauty and expat inspiration, rendered through epic scenery and cinematic…

  • Balinese Hindu

    Balinese Hindu

    BALINESE HINDU The majority of Balinese practice a form of the Hindu religion which they call Agama Hindu Dharma (“Religion of the Hindu doctrine”). Also called Agama Tirtha (“Religion of the Holy Waters”), it represents a unique amalgamation of foreign Hindu and Buddhist elements that were grafted onto a base of preexisting, indigenous religious customs.…

  • 25 Ways To Feel Totally Awesome

    25 Ways To Feel Totally Awesome

    The Official Guide To Feeling Awesome This post is about how to feel real fucking good, no Vicodin or receiving of oral sex required. You can always add in those amenities later if you like, probably best to avoid the Vicodin though. Credit… http://chrismccombs.net/25-ways-to-feel-awesome/ We live in a society of bored, stressed-out, anxious, agitated, always-in-a-hurry furrow-browed…

  • There Is No Truth, Only Dreaming

    There Is No Truth, Only Dreaming

    Is all that we see or seem But a dream within a dream? ~Edgar Allan Poe Article  by Bob OHearn This universe of phenomena is a grain of sand on an infinite beach, and this beach is but a grain of sand in the totality of manifestation, which is itself of the same nature as last…

  • Hengki Koentzhoro

    Hengki Koentzhoro

    Give it up for Hengki Koentzhoro… Ulan Dan. Water Temple in Bali.

  • The Doors – Indian Summer (Original Version From 1966!!!!!!)

    The Doors – Indian Summer (Original Version From 1966!!!!!!)

  • This is Jeff Foster

    This is Jeff Foster

    As a human being, you are perfectly imperfect, gloriously flawed, your story forever stunningly unresolved. You will never reach a state of perfection in time, and that is why you are so loveable and human. Your flaws give you character, your quirks make you unique, your wrinkles and battle scars sing of a life fully…

  • We ARE Sacred Geometry

    We ARE Sacred Geometry

    The pattern of cell division in biology matches the fundamental structure of the fabric of the space that it is dividing in. It had better, or else we probably wouldn’t be able to coordinate the estimated 100-200 TRILLION chemical reactions that happen per SECOND on a cellular level inside the human body! When we are…

  • Mindfulness Reminder

    Mindfulness Reminder

    This is a great little tool to keep open on your desktop while you are working to come back into the moment… http://fungie.info/bell/# Enjoy!

  • Proof That Consciousness Can Alter Our Material World

    Proof That Consciousness Can Alter Our Material World

    Proof That Consciousness Can Alter Our Material World – 10 Scientific Studies Alternative ScienceMar 9, 2014 1 102 Arjun Walla, Collective-Evolution Waking Times Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand…

  • Let your body guide you – DIY Kinesiology

    Let your body guide you – DIY Kinesiology

    Kinesiology is an incredible modality for using the body as a guide in a erring questions that otherwise may seem confusing. Here are some great tips on applying kinesiology to answer some questions using self testing techniques. This information comes from http://www.perelandra-ltd.com by Machaelle Small Wright Kinesiology is another name for muscle testing. If you…

  • Sungazing


    When i was young i was told “do not stare at the sun, you will go blind”. As with so many of the things we are given to understand as children, i didn’t think to challenge this comment whatsoever until i was introduced to the concept of sungazing. Sungazing is exactly as it implies: Staring…

  • Napoleon Hill

    Napoleon Hill

    Recently i had the opportunity to listen to Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil. Written in 1938, just before the second world war, it is an amazing transmission that makes it abundantly clear that Napoleon Hill had direct access to the collective unconscious. If your understanding of Napoleon Hill begins and ends with Think and Grow…

  • Burning Man

    Burning Man

    Russian t-shirt company Svinovik has designed this incredible Burning Man infographic. Despite their blog stating they have never attended the annual Burning Man festival, they have done an amazing job, using images and information found on the internet to create this magnificent work of art. To view it in full or download the extra-large (printable) version click here to visit their website. Oh! Also… This…

  • Life Beyond Addiction

    Life Beyond Addiction

    Living beyond addition is really a way of taking responsibility. The reality is, every problem we have can be looked at two ways; We can look at a difficulty as something to get rid of, or as a message from our true selves. We can look at it as something to overcome and get through, or…

  • Breathe Easy

    Breathe Easy

    There are many gifts that we receive for free. One of the most beautiful is the air we breathe. But the real beauty in gift is in the way we receive it. Through the power of breath and breathing. Unfortunately, in the west many of us have forgotten how to breathe the way we once…

  • 432Hz


    Tune yourself to the heartbeat of our planet To understand the healing power behind 432Hz, you must first learn about another frequency, 8Hz. It is said that 8Hz is the fundamental “beat” of the planet. The heartbeat of the Earth is better known as Schumann resonance and is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann, who…

  • Resources for going off the grid

    Resources for going off the grid

    Jubilee 101 is a treasure trove of educational material for the simple, off the grid, homestead life. The categories are well organised and diverse! From yurt construction to permiculture, from beekeeping to biofuels and contains PDF documents and instructional videos in over 100 categories. In total there are over 2600 PDF documents and over 1000…

  • Biology of Perception

    Biology of Perception

    Bruce Lipton is a leading scientist in the study of the effects of environment on genetics. Knowledge is power and lack of knowledge is lack of power. The following video is an insight into Dr. Liptons work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjj0xVM4x1I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANDWHJ0FMd4

  • Presence – The Elegance of the Moment

    Presence – The Elegance of the Moment

    pres·ence •prez•ns/ – noun –  “the state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present in a place or thing”. eg: “i could feel the presence of god” – synonyms: existence, being there There are many rewards to be enjoyed is we can shift into living with presence (aka: being “aware”, “living in the moment” or “in the…

  • Siberian Pine Nut Oil: Natural Cure For Acid Reflux

    Siberian Pine Nut Oil: Natural Cure For Acid Reflux

    Original Article What can Sacramento’s eastern European population teach us about pine nut oil as an old Siberian folk remedy for pylori bacteria in the stomach, for acid reflux, and even for peptic ulcers? Sacramento’s newest natural treatment for pylori and acid reflux in those over age 65 with a diminishing amount of hydrochloric acid and…

  • Miracle gallbladder and liver flush

    Miracle gallbladder and liver flush

    Miracle liver & gallbladder cleanse Starting 6 days before the cleanse: Drink a liter of organic apple juice a day, separate from food. Alternatively you can use raw organic apple cider vinegar 30mL in a glass of water. Ideally this should be done first thing in the morning. During the week avoid foods from animal…

  • What to do in Ubud

    What to do in Ubud

    One of the best places in the world is UBUD, Bali. Here is list of places to go and things to do. Eat Pray Love your heart out! Most of the entries are hyperlinked so you can click straight through to learn more like location, contact details, etc… This list is prepared with full acknowledgement and…

  • Mangala Charan of Jaap Sahib

    Mangala Charan of Jaap Sahib

    When Guru Gobind Singh penned the Jaap Sahib some time in the early 1730’s he could scarcely have known the effect his composition would have. A beautiful, magical, rhythmic, rolling, flowing arrangement which offers insights into the qualities, attributes, excellence, and glories of God. The Mangala Charan of Jaap Sahib is an hour long repetitive recitation…

  • Instructions for Living (Successfully) Pt. III

    Instructions for Living (Successfully) Pt. III

    Continued! Part III Final instalment from Lifes little instruction book. 1021. When reading self-help books, include the Bible. 1022. Each year, take a first-day-of-school photograph of your children. 1023. Learn the rules of any sport your children play. 1024. When you hear a kind word spoken about a friend, tell him so. 1025. Never hesitate…

  • Instructions for Living (Successfully) Pt. II

    Instructions for Living (Successfully) Pt. II

    Continued! Part II More lessons from Lifes little instruction book. 512. Learn the rules. Then break some. 513. Remember that everyone is influenced by kindness. 514. When travelling, leave the good jewellery at home. 515. Put your address inside your luggage as well as on the outside. 516. Never give your credit card number over…

  • Instructions for Living (Successfully) Pt. I

    Instructions for Living (Successfully) Pt. I

    I first encountered with H. Jackson Brown, Jr’s “Life’s Little Instruction Book” while holidaying at a friends house in Palm Beach on Sydney’s northern beaches. I loved it so much, i wrote out all 511 of the little gems presented. Jackson Brown originally wrote Life’s Little Instruction book as a gift for his son who was leaving home…

  • The Pineal Gland

    The Pineal Gland

    The pineal gland is a small pine cone shaped red-grey organ that is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join. It is responsible for regulating sleep and the production of melatonin. It also produces a fascinating molecule called pinoline –…

  • Soma and The Bread of Light

    Soma and The Bread of Light

    Soma. Yes, its the name of one of my favourite Ubudian cafes, but thats not what this article is about. The namesake of Bali’s high vibe organic cafe is a plant with a fascinating and ancient story… The fascination of the soma plant for me begins with the fact that it contains pinoline (6-methoxy-tetra-dydro-beta carboline), a…

  • Our Teeth Are the Root of Our Collective Unconscious

    Our Teeth Are the Root of Our Collective Unconscious

    Swami Devageet’s journey to higher consciousness is told in a heart-warming sincere way-humorous, yet profound– in his book, Osho, The First Buddha in the Dental Chair: Amusing Anecdotes by His Personal Dentist (Sammasati Publishing). BY: Swami Devageet Listen carefully, and when I have finished you will put it out as a world press release. I…

  • Carl Jung ::: The Red Book

    Carl Jung ::: The Red Book

    About the Red Book, Jung said: The years… when I pursued the inner images, were the most important time of my life. Everything else is to be derived from this. It began at that time, and the later details hardly matter anymore. My entire life consisted in elaborating what had burst forth from the unconscious…

  • A Night at the Movies

    A Night at the Movies

    A dozen or so movies worth spending the time to see… BARAKA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJhKoOMiKhw THRIVE ANIMA (2011) COSMOS: CARL SAGAN DMT: THE SPIRIT MOLECULE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4FaDMak-TQ NEW EARTH DESTINY: AN ANASTASIA INSPIRED DOCUMENTARY www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzcekql6coM TRANSCENDENT MAN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=si-wEKBX3jo THE MONEY MASTERS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDtBSiI13fE THE PRIMACY OF CONSCIOUSNESS THE COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION II: THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alcav1Ox9bg NIKOLA TESLA: MASTER OF…

  • Spiritual Bi-Passing

    Spiritual Bi-Passing

    The dark side of spirituality… Repost from a great article in The Bud magazine, October 2012 http://thebudmag.com/culture/the-dark-side-of-spirituality/ Ubud is to folks of a spiritual disposition what catnip is to felines. While much of this exploration is valuable, some aspects can be problematic or even dangerous. Robert Wolf locks and loads his dream-catcher and takes a…

  • Reconciling Divine & Free Will. All part of the same program…

    Reconciling Divine & Free Will. All part of the same program…

    Being back in the heart of Ubud is bringing rapid clarity to me about the meaning of life. I have been reflecting on what I call programs. Layers and layers of compatible (and sometimes incompatible) programs all running as dramas, habits, desires, (memories, dreams, reflections!) indoctrination, idiosyncrasies, people, DNA, objects, fears. Some internally, some external.…

  • Strandbeest Beach Wonderful

    Strandbeest Beach Wonderful

    Just something wonderful to inspire your day…

  • The Story of The Ringing Cedars of Russia Book Series

    The Story of The Ringing Cedars of Russia Book Series

    In 1994 on the banks of the River Ob deep in the Siberian taiga, a Russian entrepreneur named Vladimir Megre had a chance meeting with two gentlemen who told tales of the Siberian cedar and its amazing properties. A year of planning ensued in which a commercial expedition was arranged to with the purpose of…

  • Move Over Science (No Longer Cool)

    Move Over Science (No Longer Cool)

    I think I’m onto something. And i don’t think i’m alone. Throughout our childhood, school years, university, work life – and if we are really unlucky – all the way up until we die, we live on a diet of things and ideas “proven by science”. We teach our kids about it, we live by…

  • A Billionaires View on Globalisation

    A Billionaires View on Globalisation

    Globalisation. The argument against with the late billionaire Sir James Goldsmith (1994) Running time around 80mins.

  • An Evening with Bucky

    An Evening with Bucky

    An evening with legend and pioneer Buckminster Fuller.  

  • On the Frontier

    On the Frontier

    A set of INSPIRATIONAL talks from global visionaries on a range of topics from the Breakthrough Energy Movement conference in Holland 2012 and the more recently convened Colorado October 2013 conference. Better than TED! http://www.globalbemvoices.com http://www.globalbemvoices.com/category/videos/lectures/ Standouts include:   Catherine Austin Fitts – How to shift to reality from ‘official reality’… Worth the time investment.…

  • Water – 4 Things You Should Know

    Water – 4 Things You Should Know

    It makes up over 70% of our body and yet we think so little about water. And we know so little too. 1. DIRECT FROM THE SOURCE IS BEST There seems to be consensus that the best water you can drink is natural spring water straight from the source. Water that has come straight from…

  • Plato’s Cave Allegory

    Plato’s Cave Allegory

    For those seeking truth…

  • Russell Brand: Commedic Trojan Horse – Tick

    Russell Brand: Commedic Trojan Horse – Tick

    Everyone, it seems, saw the russell brand video. If you didn’t, you can see it here… http://youtu.be/xGxFJ5nL9gg It got me interested in Rusty’s revolution. There is funny, but serious work being done here. Rusty is a trojan horse for the raising of awareness, and the method of delivery is brilliant: Authentic humour. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HqflTYCM2s So –…



    Life = vitality. THE FORMULA is a recipe for vitality. Vital cells = Vital body = Vital mind = Vital spirit THE FORMULA is an easy simple, powerful and efficient set of interdependent steps designed to be practiced immediately upon rising every day. It is a combination of biochemistry, nutrition, meditation, breathing and yoga. It…

  • Diamond Sutra

    Diamond Sutra

    The Diamond Sutra Thus shall ye think  of this fleeting world A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream; A flash of lightning in a summer cloud; a flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream. STATEMENT: Alternative translation: Like a falling star, like a bubble in a stream, Like a flame in the wind,…