Breathe Easy

There are many gifts that we receive for free. One of the most beautiful is the air we breathe. But the real beauty in gift is in the way we receive it. Through the power of breath and breathing.

Unfortunately, in the west many of us have forgotten how to breathe the way we once did when we were babies. In fact, how often have you actually stopped to consciously think about breath and breathing? If not, now is your chance…

It is a fact that millions of people today breathe completely the wrong way around, sucking their stomach in when they breathe in, and using their rib cage to do the work instead of their diaphragm. If you suffer from a digestive disorder such as IBS, chances are tuning into diaphragmatic breathing will help resolve your dis-ease. It will also help enormously to alleviate any anxiety and bring you into more awareness of the moment. After all, you can’t breathe in the past or in the future – you can only breathe now…

Bring your consciousness into your breath and tune into receiving this greatest gifts.

The lower half of the lungs is by far the most efficient at delivering oxygen; the bottom 13% (approx. in adults) of the lungs brings in 60 mL O2 per minute, while the top 7% only brings in 4 mL per minute…



