Category: MDR

  • RIP 2020. Underground truths, alternative narratives.

    RIP 2020. Underground truths, alternative narratives.

    Truth’s supportive of health, abundance and happiness have been harder to come by in 2020 as both mainstream and social propagated narratives beneficial to a select few and questionable in their veracity and actively silence alternative narratives. In trying to make sense of 2020 it feels as though the greatest casualty has been truth. It…

  • The Miracle Mantra

    The Miracle Mantra

    The Miracle Mantra of Guru Ram Das is a channel of healing into oneness, relief and humility, and grace and protection and ultimately MANIFESTS MIRACLES. It calls on the spirit of the Indian mystic Guru Ram Das who was the fourth of the ten Gurus of Sikhism. An ashtang mantra (meaning it is chanted in…

  • Crisis and Transformation

    Crisis and Transformation

    Transformation usually doesn’t happen gradually. It comes quickly, and normally in response to crisis. We are witness to a world of converging crises. Climate change, refugee crises, deforestation, overfishing, mass extinctions, pollution of land, sea and sky, the list goes on. To many, these problems seem insurmountable. But what if you held the keys to…

  • The Biggest Disease Affecting Humanity by Marissa Peer

    The Biggest Disease Affecting Humanity by Marissa Peer

    Through touching stories of helping burnt-out Hollywood celebrities, regular clients, and even her own family, Marisa Peer teaches us how to feel “enough” and shatter our limitations. The Biggest Disease Affecting Humanity: “I’m Not Enough” by Marisa Peer

  • Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia

    Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia

    Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia is an American docuseries. The show follows Hamilton Morris as he explores the history, chemistry, and societal impact of psychoactive substances. It chronicles Morris’ travels and first-hand experiences, as well as interviews with scientists, shamans, and fringe culture figures. Journey through the history, chemistry and societal impacts of the world’s most extraordinary drugs.…

  • Three awesome videos

    Three awesome videos

    Dawkins, Sapolsky and Harari. DAWKINS SAPOLSKY HARARI TIP: You can watch these masterclasses at least 2 or 3 times

  • Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo (Heart Sutra)

    Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo (Heart Sutra)

    Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo Translated as: “The Bodhisattva of true compassion, Through deep practice in Great Wisdom, Understands that the body and the five skandas are only emptiness. And with this understanding, he helps all who suffer. Oh Sariputra, Phenomena is no different than ku, ku no different from phenomena. Phenomena becomes ku, ku becomes…

  • Tapping for Removing The Inner Critic

    Tapping for Removing The Inner Critic

    Subconscious Repatterning. It’s a thing and its available to you NOW. Check out this short video and let go of the inner critic in your own mind, making way for a compassionate, evolved voice that can guide and love you, not beat you up. more here

  • Psych-K


    Rewrite the subconscious in minutes with Psych-K.  

  • Kahlil Gibran on Love

    Kahlil Gibran on Love

    Kahlil Gibran on Love (from The Prophet) When love beckons to you, follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you believe in him, Though his voice may shatter your…

  • David Foster Wallace

    David Foster Wallace

    If you don’t know about David Foster Wallace, author of best selling mega-tome Infinate Jest, take a moment to hear the man. Here he is talking to a group of graduates at their commencement ceremony where they were lucky enough to have an “on-his-game” Wallace put forward some thoughts on life beyond the scholastic experience.…

  • The free spirit of children is our true nature.

    The free spirit of children is our true nature.

  • The Island of the Gods

    The Island of the Gods

    A strikingly beautiful video to remind us of the beautiful and sacred world in which with live.

  • Eating the rainbow

    Eating the rainbow

    Phytochemicals: Eating from the Rainbow! There are many reasons to include plenty of whole foods in your diet, and high on the list of eye-catching colorful reasons are phytochemicals! The word ‘phytochemical’ literally means plant-chemical. From the deep blue hue of blueberries to the pungent aroma of garlic, phytochemicals help give plants their distinctive colors,…

  • Angel Oak South Carolina

    Angel Oak South Carolina

    Thank you to this beauty. That is all.

  • Purpose


  • Vision for the future

    Vision for the future

    Imagine a world of beauty and love, all things balanced, aligned and in harmony with themselves. Imagine being nourished by the possession of what it is like just to be ourselves. At once at peace and purpose in union with partner, work and self. Imagine man living in respect for nature, thriving from her bounty, content with the infinite…

  • Poems to live by

    Poems to live by

    I found this beautiful page of poems collected by an American, Steven Harper. Steven writes: Poems & Prose To Live By The following are some of the many poems I often use in the work I do with groups. I think of these as “teaching poems” in that I have learned a great deal from…

  • Lago d’Christo

    Lago d’Christo

    “The Floating Piers,” consists of temporary bridges spanning Italy’s Lake Iseo in artist Christo’s first installation in over 10 years. For 16 days, “The Floating Piers,” a saffron-colored walkway, will connect two small islands in a lake in Northern Italy to the mainland. By ELISABETTA POVOLEDO JUNE 16, 2016 PILZONE, Italy — It was a…